TenaCity to WindyCity Day 23 & 24, October 4 & October 10, 2018

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak October 4, 2018 October 10, 2018 TenaCity 2 WindyCity DAY 23, Oct, 4 DAY 23 JOURNAL NO PHOTOS Day 23 was another disaster. We knew it would be difficult because of the upstream battle that had occurred on Day 23. That day we ended two mile short of our vehicle parked at Alcona Dam. Today we did not get a mile upstream when the current drove me backward and into a downed tree. I flipped. Kate had told me minutes before we should abort and go back, predicting one of us would do exactly what happened to me. I told her just one more bend, thinking it might get better. Damn, I should have heeded her advise. I managed to get to shore, drain Green Snake. We then floated back to our launch point. My phone was tethered well, and I did not lose it, but it had moisture. My Mofie was plugged into the phone when I flipped so water entered the USB port. I portaged the 2.1 miles to Alcona Dam using the roads. I figured it was good practice for the 7 mi...