DAY 45 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak June 24, 2020
TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak Jun 24, 2020 Flint to Chicago DAY 45 ALL PHOTOS AND IMAGES WILL ENLARGE WHEN CLICKED I arrived at Rainbow bend after planting Swiftee at High Bridge River Access about 7:30 am and began the run back to High Bridge. Run view on road from Rainbow Bend to River Rd Launch point at High Bridge River Access We left there about 9:30 am Kate and high banks We saw three individual bald eagles on what would end being a 15 mile paddle, these photos were of the second one. We ate lunch at the available picnic tables at Rainbow Bend River Access. Once here where my van was, and finishing at 1:00 am, we knew we had time for another leg, if we could find another landing. We drove to the next possible landing on the map, Coho Bend Campground. We found it was private and gated. It did not look good but we decided to walk to the office and talk to somebody. After a few minutes we met Karen, the owner of Coho Bend Campground and told her of our Flint to Chicago stor...