DAY 51 & 52 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak September 18 & 23, 2020
TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak September 18, 2020 Flint to Chicago DAY 51 ALL PHOTOS AND IMAGES WILL ENLARGE WHEN CLICKED Where am I? A big change in driving to continue T2W. Since DAY 3 I'd traveled north when continuing. Today's best offering by Google Maps was to head south to Flint take I-69 to Lansing then I-69 to Muskegon. Upon driving 160 miles I arrived at Claybanks Twp Park in the dark at 5:30 am, using the phone flashlight to see, I climbed down 70ft of step to check out the wave action on the lake. In the pitch black it looked promising. I looked upward at the stars, it was beautiful, triple the amount of stars that could be seen anywhere back in Genesee Co. From Claybanks Twp Park I began a 11 mile run to Golden Twp Park where I'd meet sidekick Kate to begin paddling. She met me 6 miles into the run, picked me up and we drove the...