DAY 55 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak May 12, 2021 Flint to Chicago DAY 55 ALL PHOTOS AND IMAGES WILL ENLARGE WHEN CLICKED It's about time. I've been waiting 7 months for this day. I really missed my runyak expedition. I watched the May weather forecast until it was warm enough, and slow enough winds to paddle. My faithful paddle partner could not make it, she was in San Francisco. This would be my first solo day since DAY 40 of the 2019 season. That would have been on the Manistee River near US31. This is Duck Lake State Park I arrived at my launch and where I left of last October. It was about sunrise, this pic was taken when there last October. I did not run first as usual. Knowing the run would be twice as long as the paddle, I wanted get going while there were no waves. The video shows that one can't get much better conditions when launching from a beach, no worries of getting the cockpit drenched wh...