DAY 31 TenaCity to WindyCity, July 17, 2019

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak
July 17, 2019

Flint to Chicago DAY 31

I'd be going solo today for Kate had other plans. I devised the logistics of the days runyak on the two hour drive to McMasters Bridge. Which would be, about 2.5 miles upriver from where Kate and I aborted 12 days ago.
I cabled and lock the bike there and drove to the next bridge, Wakeley and ran to the bike at McMasters. I then rode the bike back to Wakeley Bridge. The 7.8 mile run was unbearable because I was constantly, 90 minutes worth, being attacked by black flies. I used my maize Michigan hat to swat them away. On the bike ride back I went shirtless and used the shirt as a swatter. The worst black fly experience of my life. It will not be forgotten eVer.
The run segment was complete. I now had to finish the section of the river that was left after Kate and I aborted at White Pine Campground. The campground is for paddlers so has no good road to get there. The best way is by paddling downstream from Wakeley, then turn around and paddle back.

 I place Swiftee in the water. Swiftee, yes I said Swiftee! I brought him out of retirement. After using him the last time while portaging it crossed my mind, it didn't seem right to use him just for portaging. He is just as riverworthy, if not seaworthy as Green Snake. Both have mended bottoms from holes
 The paddle to White Pine was delightful; moving at a sub 14 minute a mile pace.

These Common Mergansers were spotted while paddling both direction.

The 2.4 mile upstream paddle back to Wakeley Landing wasn't a breeze but it was the easiest wrong way paddle this year. I did not have to get out of the kayak once.   

Upon arrival at Wakeley Bridge landing I knew I wasn't done. I had to try and see if I could make it to the next bridge Stephan, probably another 5 miles upstream. But it was noon, first I'd take a break for lunch. Lunch would be cheese, crackers, and pickled bologna. I truly wanted to have a beer with it, but knew better. My rule, never drink beer when paddling upstream could not be broken. It's a good thing I did not cave for the next paddle leg was back to normal hell that Kate and I had been experiencing.
Obeying the no beer rule, I drove to the nearest mom and pop store a mile from Stephan Bridge, where I would be trying to paddle to, and bought Coke. At the store I asked the clerk how far the paddle was from Stephan to Wakeley. She had no idea but told me to go to the Gates Lodge by the river, that they would now. And so I did. "About 4 hours" (with the flow) a girl said. I wanted to know the distance not time. Three people in the lodge next to the river and none could tell me. One finally guessed 6 miles. I walked back to my van shaking my head. Seems it would be part of their business to know the distance.

As soon as I began paddling from the Wakeley launch I could see it would not be as easy as the morning paddle from White Pine. I plugged on thinking further from the bridge the easier it would get. Was I ever wrong. It was as hard as any of the prior wrong way paddles. "Wrong Way" I've heard it from nearly every paddler that passes me going the right direction. "You're going the wrong way."
That, and the sarcastic, "You know it's easier going the other way."
When having to get out of Swiftee and pull him through the tougher areas, there's a constant worry of him getting away from me. Once in the main current I might never see him again.
Later when done for the day, and Swiftee was back in my van, and man, maybe having had a similar situation described, believed my kayak was his. He'd lost his kayak on the river. I told him I've had this kayak for 15 years.
After battling the current for nearly 3 miles it was going on 3:00 pm I needed to call it quits. The above and below photos of where I aborted. There was a house there I thought maybe I could drive there and pick up on Day 32. 
I also took a screen shot of the where I was on the gps (below).
By the looks of the gps location I can return next time by vehicle. I will even knock on the riparians door to ask for permission to launch. Maybe I will even portage from there, it likely would be faster.

I began my well deserved downstream paddle back to the van at Wakeley. I could relax and take a picture or two.

All done and ready for a beer.

When home I checked the distance from Wakeley to Stephan by using Google Earth. I is close to 5.6 miles of which I still have 2 miles to go. 
While at it I check the mileage on the river using until portage to Manistee near Grayling, only 14.1 miles! Little over 21 miles I will be on the Manistee River!


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