DAY 42 TenaCity to WindyCity, May 29, 2020

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak
May 29, 2020

Flint to Chicago DAY 42


DAY42's most memorable moment occurred not during the paddle as usual, but during the run. At the 9 mile mark I planned to stop and drink the liter of Gatorade I had in my drawstring backpack. After taking the drink from the bag I sat the bag on the ground along side the road.
Dogs were barking incessantly from the adjacent property. I hoped they'd stop barking if just walked away from the property, back the direction I had just came. No sooner than I began walking I heard a man yelling. "Pick up your bag!" I said, "I will soon as I finish my drink." "Pick it up now!" the gruff voice said. I told him I wasn't littering, I would return and pick it up soon as finished my drink. "Pick up the damn bag NOW!" I obliged but was not happy. The dogs continued barking so I continued walking away from the property, while carrying the bag and drinking. When the bottle was empty I put it into the bag and walked back to the point where I originally set the bag down, to began my run again. When directly in front of the house, I did not look at the house, but stared straight down the road. Yet, I could not fight the urge to to flip the bird toward the house. No sooner then I did, the voice yelled, "You better never come back here again." 
Mind you, I never trespassed, so was he saying I couldn't even drive past his house? I didn't react, just kept staring down the road and kept running. I then heard a shotgun pumping. I figured he was making a point, but there was a instant I wondered was I being aimed at? 
Boom! once, boom! twice, a double barrel. Again, I showed no reaction, just maintained my pace and didn't look back. Next I heard, "YOU BETTER RUN FASTER!" I did not obey, in fact I checked my Garmin later, mile 10 was slower than mile 9.
Mind you, I never once broke a law. I did give the house the finger, that's all it took to make him begin shooting. Yeah, a real Macho Man defending his property, no wait, defending his road. 
When I finished the runyak, and was driving home, I went a mile out my way to pass by the house where I was "never to come back," and take photos. Wasn't till then I saw the NO TRESPASSING signs. Must be he owns the shoulder of the road also I take it. 
Cyclist, runners, and walkers, please BEWARE of: 
4774 W 16 Rd., 
Mesick MI
Where DAY42 run began, at Hodenpyl Dam. It was built in 1925 and named for Anton Gysberti Hodenpyl one of past presidents of Consumers Powers (Energy)
I figured the odd name sounded Dutch, learning Anton Hodenpyl was a businessman from Grand Rapids solidified my thoughts.
Near DAY 42 launch, Harvey Bridge

Linda Gamage, in the blue kayak joined Kate Faris and me today. I was so glad she came. It was our first time paddling together since T2W DAY8, Linwood to Pinconning. 

Glengarry Bridge. Glengarry was a small town in the 19th century and early 20th. Gone today, as far as I could see. 
 The former  Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway closed in the 1980s. It is now the Betsie Valley Trail

M115 bridge is just west of downtown Mesick. I ran across it earlier, it was the halfway point of the 11.9 mile run. Mesick was platted in or about 1864 by Howard Mesick. He, his brothers, Walter and Jesse all married three Baker sisters. I take it in Mesick they try to keep it all in the family.
Kate debarking at our lunch stop, Mesick Veteran's Park
Social distancing intact before and after eating
From the Veteran's Mem. Park we were on the Hodenpyl Dam Pond for 6 miles.
The water was choppy and the pace slowed drastically. Our average pace before lunch, for 10.4 miles was about 13 min/mi. Across the pond it was double that, and at times 38 min/mi. 
I seriously thought about portaging the last three miles, knowing my portage time was about 20 min/mi. 2 mile fighting choppy water or 3 miles portaging? I figured both would take about an hour. I chose to keep paddling. I'm glad I did, the water calmed to about a 20 min/mi pace and I finished faster than if I'd carried Swiftee.
 A picture Linda Gamage took as I was approaching the dam's portage dock.
Kate at the portage
Linda managed to pull off a social distancing OFF selfie
Photo of Dan Lamkin, and Linda Gamage at where I will launch on DAY43, the foot of Hodenpyl Dam. Today Dan, who just arrived at Hodenpyl, Linda and Kate continued on another 11 miles to the launch at Red Bridge. Not me...
...I drank my OFF celebration beer, a Dragon's Milk, and headed home. 


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