DAY 46 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak Jun 29, 2020

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak
Jun 29, 2020

Flint to Chicago DAY 46

This is it. The last day of the Manistee River. Rivers altogether actually. Lake Michigan from here to Chicago. 
1st Street Beach, Manistee where the run began and where Kate, Fred and I would finish.
Fred Smith joined me once again, and probably the last time today on the T2W runyak. He has runyaked with on DAYS 1, 5, 39, 43 and 46. 
                                   DAY 1 Runyakers                       Phototaker not in group pic
Photo from DAY 1
l-r Yours truly, Nick and Jeni Godlesky, John Miehm, Lee Parks, Fred Smith, Chris Roney,  Marcia Kobman, Lonnie Rich (phototaker)
On DAY 1, the maiden launch of T2W there were as many as 25 paddlers, only 9 were runyakers.  (Fred Smith, in the red shirt) 

Run finish and kayak launch Coho Bend.

Big riverbend ahead. The dune seen in the distance is the same one below. 

Stars give river location of the about 2 photos
This is Jim the Walleye Whisperer, he was wearing the wrong color shirt. 
Little Green Heron or Cormorant?
We did spot an Bald Eagle though, sorry no pictures.
Manistee coming into view
M 55 Bridge
I made a half-mile error when coming into Lake Manistee and headed to Seng's Marina. It wasn't until then I'd seen the mistake. We had to turn around, and paddled north around a point. Then we saw and went under the US 31 Bridge in Manistee.

Manistee Riverfront where earlier Fred and I ran.
Manistee North Pier Head Lighthouse
Victory at Sea!
Victory for Kate! Paddled 26 of the 46 days with me
paddle down
1st Street Beach, 180* from above photo

A Man and His Kayak, going home.
A special thanks to Karen at Coho Bend Riverside RV Resort . A week ago Kate and I stopped in at the private campground hoping we could use it for DAY45's landing and DAY46's launch. 
In the 162 runyaking expedition DAYS never have I been charged for parking or launch facilities. On DAY114 of Runyak for Liberty at JFK Marina in Yonkers I was to pay a charge but the attendant Luis  let me slide after hearing my story. I later rewarded him with DQ gift card. 
Today, I wanted to thank Coho Bend in some way. Karen has two teens working for her, one her daughter Lauren, and not sure but maybe Karen's nephew? Derek? I'm just guessing now but will call him Derek. Anyway, I gave each a nice tip. THANK YOU COHO BEND! 


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