DAY 48 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak August 24, 2020

                 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak

August 24, 2020

Flint to Chicago DAY 48


Porter Creek, launch site of DAY 48
Kayaks along the shore
Early morning swim for campers at Lake Michigan Recreation Campground

                                                                        Nordhouse Dunes

                                                                Big Sable Dunes
                                                                   Big Sable Light

                           The first 2 mile of running back to the van (after the 8.3 mile paddle) from Ludington State Park to Porter Creek was this trail to the lighthouse

From the Big Sable Light to the van I had a runyak first... Beach Runyaking. Check out the video

 After a mid-run cooling off in Lake Michigan
    While running, passed a group of twenty-something kayakers combing the beach for pretty rock. Have to admit a couple times I almost stopped to pick a couple up. Did not want to stop, did not want to bend over, did not want extra weight.
    Was glad I did not have to run the 200 ft elevation change from the dunes, I'd done that on DAY 47.
Top of the dunes
When the first runyak segment was finished, my paddling sidekick and I lunched at Stearns Park along the beach in Ludington. We It was decided there to do a short paddle from the State Park entrance where the boats were to a point on the map I call, West Bend M-116. It would mean a 3 mile paddle and a 3 mile run for me.

The view on the run back to the van at the state park was practically all dunes. To the west, a ridge of dunes, that most of the time, blocked the view to Lake Michigan. The above picture is of the continuous dune to the east of M-116.
The three mile stretch was line much of the way small breakwaters. Kate asked me what they were called. I told her I call them, "groynes." I first encountered them near Point Pelee, Ontario on DAY 38 of the 116 day expedition to Statue of Liberty. The sign there at Mersea Park read, "Diving from the Groynes is Prohibited." I've used the Canadian name ever since. In the above photo it shows a groyne with scuptures embedded.
Above and below photos of Big Sable Creek mouth. North (left) of the bridge is the entrance gate to Ludington State Park. It marked the end of the 7 mile long M116, one of Michigan's shorter state highways.

I finished the day, not so much to cool off but to cleanse off after the 22.4 miles of runyaking. 
That evening we scoped out a landing spot for DAY 49, in doing so we passed the Ludington harbor where we saw the SS Badger and the SS Spartan. We'd never heard of the Spartan before. From researching we found out it was a railroad car ferry across Lake Michigan owned by C&O with three routes to Wisconsin. It's  perished when in 1979 when it became no longer profitable. Today it sits and is used only for parts for her twin the SS Badger. 
                                                                       SS Badger

We wanted to have dinner that night at Ludington Bay Brewery since w are both craft beer nuts. There was a line waiting to get in. We, both being COVID conscious, decided to find another less crowded place to sup. That ended up being Blu Moon Bistro where we sat at an open air bar on the rooftop.


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