DAY 69 TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak

TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak

Oct. 13, 2021

Flint to Chicago DAY 69


Map of the area runyaked Oct 13
Kate would be late. I began without her. I believed this was the darkest launch ever, before sunrise.

Michigan City East Pierhead Lighthouse
                                                   Mouth of Trail Creek in Michigan City
                                                          NISource coal power generator

Where I planned to finish Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Lake View was closed do to erosion. Kate had arrived and scoped out a beach a quarter mile or more further.
                       Last 4 photo of the long run back. Ran from 10:15 to 12:30. Miserable run. 
                                                        Always seems to be after paddling.

Kate who arrived late paddle from my landing point in reverse back to Michigan City's harbor.                                                                She is just a dot in the water in this photo.
                                               NiSource generating station looming ahead
                                                    NiSource coal power generating station
                                                                    Michigan City
After I finished my run to the van at the state line I went looking for Kate. She was somewhere in Michigan City. To took some doing finding her. Afterward we went to a brewery in Michgan City for lunch, Zorn. My 900th Brewery!



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