DAY 32 Tenacity to WindyCity, July 25, 2019
TenaCity to WindyCity Runyak July 25, 2019 Flint to Chicago DAY 32 CLICK ON MAPS AND PHOTOS TO ENLARGE Again the run segment would be from bridge to bridge as last time, but the kayak segment would have to be filled in because of aborting midway between the bridges last time. As usual the run would be accomplished upon arrival. Because the paddle would not be where the run finish, I'd have to bike back to the van. To make matters worse, 100 miles into the 130 mile drive to the bridge, I realized I'd forgotten the bike. That meant I'd have to get back to Stephan Bridge by foot after the 5.1 mile run. If capable I would have kicked myself in the ass. I ended up running 2 of the extra five miles. Over seven total running miles, but only 5.1 count as runyak miles. Down this trail is the house and river where I aborted last week and began portaging When time to kayak, it was decided portaging would be faster. 2 mile upstream paddle at 40 min/mi ...